Friday, February 10, 2012


After taking some time to reflect on the current state of my critical thinking competencies, I found the following to be true:

In the begining of the course, I thought I was more versed in critical thinking than I actual was(the score on the initial quiz, pretty much showed THAT clear enough). I've never been a very close-minded person, therefore I considered myself to be a critical thinker. I know now, that doesn't mean I am a critical thinker!

I think that since this course began, I've started to reflect wider and broader than I was before. I've grown to appreciate the fact that some issues are not only complex, but broad in scope, and that these issues are often difficult, if not impossible, to settle definitely. I know that Critical thinkers have a broad perspective, and seek the most flexible and open-minded way of looking at a situation.

The concepts have enabled me to take charge of my thoughts, to recognize my values, and take action that contributes to the good of others and situations I come across.
I've learned to recognize all thinking has a purpose, objective, goal and

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