Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The text defines power as the "potential to influence behavior" (Whetton and Cameron, 2011, p. 286).  Power is a funny thing, I read an anonymous quote once that said, "The only way to predict the future is to have power to shape the future."   As a leader, this quote couldn't be MORE true!  As an effective leader, we have the power to change the future of our company!  Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals....very powerful indeed!  Leadership copes with change by setting a direction, aligning people to accomplish an agenda, and motivating and inspiring people.
Are you comfortable developing sources of personal influence to gain power?

I am comfortable developing sources of personal influence to gain power.  Let me explain a bit further about this:  I think it can be assumed that it is easy for someone with power to give commands rather than make requests.  Powerful people tend to get positive feedback from subordinates and they begin to care less about what subordinates say.   With this assumption in mind, I try to stay very grounded in my leadership/ power approach. 
In my experience, people prefer managers and leaders who have direct and cooperative power.  The most effective power tactics are rational argument, consultation and inspirational appeal.  These are the more socially acceptable tactics and are very useful in influencing situations!

Do you embody the characteristics of likable people depicted in Table 5.4 (p. 290)?
The characteristics of likable people are as follows:

Table 5.4 Characteristics of Likable People
We like people when we have reason to believe they will:
  • Support an open, honest, and loyal relationship.
  • Foster intimacy by being emotionally accessible.
  • Provide unconditional, positive regard and acceptance.
  • Endure some sacrifices if the relationship should demand them.
  • Provide social reinforcement in the form of sympathy or empathy.
  • Engage in the social exchanges necessary to sustain a relationship.
I think I definitely embody these characteristics.  The one place I could work on a little more, however, is showing a bit more sympathy and empathy.   The reason I don't often show these things to employees, is with the thought that,  "if I've done it in worse situations, you can do it now".   Yes, I indeed, should accept that not everybody is a super hero like myself and show more sympathy!  ha ha

Are you able to use influence both up and down your organization considering the information in Table 5.5 (p. 293)

I feel I am able to use influence rather interchangeably both up and down  considering the information.   I am always the manager which subordinates come to with problems, when they won't go to others managers.  They know I will listen to them, and they also know, I have the ability to influence change.  I don't take that lightly, I take is as a great compliment and try not to become complacent!