The Hunt Library is Embry Riddle Aeronautical Universities library and database for scholarly articles. "The Hunt Library provides access to materials, information resources, services and facilities to students, faculty and staff in support of the University's commitment to excellence in teaching, learning and research. As an academic support unit, the library maintains flexibility and is proactive in meeting the changing information needs of its clientele. The Hunt Library is the primary information center for the Daytona Beach Campus as well as for Embry-Riddle Worldwide and Worldwide Online students. The library links the information needs of the University community with existing resources either locally or through sharing agreements and technological resources"
The Hunt Library as a resource is excellent because it has scholarly information, journals and news articles. You can find the most up-to-date information, as opposed to searching for any information written by anybody that has ever been written about a subject on the inter webs. Keep in mind also, a Google search may provide you toe top contenders for your search based on 'ad words' advertising, which is not necessarily the best return on your search! This fact is extremely important when finding data to suppose a scholarly paper or writing. I want information that I use to back my point to be of information of sustenance, not just filler that some Joe Schmoe decided to write about on a rainy day!
"Output can only be as good as the input"
About the Library | Worldwide | Hunt Library | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. (n.d.). Libraries | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Retrieved January 27, 2012, from http://library.erau.edu/worldwide/about/